Resources to help support your preschooler's communication development.
Navigating Special Education for Preschoolers
The below presentation is designed to help caregivers understand the differences between Early Intervention and school-based services. Learn about:
Transitioning from Early Intervention to Special Education
The referral, evaluation, and eligibility process
Related services: speech-language therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy

Has your preschool-aged child been referred to the Child Study Team?
What to Bring to the Meeting
A copy of your child's birth certificate
Proof of parent identification (e.g., license, passport)
Proof of Jersey City residence (e.g., utility bill, phone bill)
Proof of vision screening or examination less than one year old
Proof of hearing screening or examination less than one year old.
Any documentation from Early Intervention (e.g., IFSP, BDI scores)
Any relevant medical or developmental evaluation reports
Preschool Resources
The Department of Early Childhood is committed to providing the 3- and 4-year old children, who are Jersey City residents, with developmentally appropriate preschool experiences.

Learn how to register your child for preschool in Jersey City.

Early childhood centers contracted with JCBOE.

Strategies for caregivers.

Strategies for birth through six years old.

What toys help to encourage language?

This packet is full of ideas for facilitating language during play.

Tips For Preschool Teachers & Other Early Childhood Education Program Providers

Digital library for children!